How to get paid for construction delay claims

Written by Lyle Charles

The most common reason for construction delay claims is due to the domino effect of one single or many processes in a project running past their deadlines. A relatively small delay can have a significant effect on the completion of a project. Although a strong contract can help to reduce delays, they often cannot be prevented entirely. A strong contract, however, can help to shift the harm caused by the delay towards another party.

To understand the damages as a result of a construction delay, one needs to look at the original plans. Understanding delays will require knowledge in areas of accounting, project management, scheduling, estimating, methods, and efficiency analysis. Therefore, firms may need to hire interim managers or construction expert witnesses to assist in making their case.

Being aware of a delay can help to reduce its impact. Therefore, project managers should be made aware that most delays are a result of poor planning. Addressing delays at the very beginning of a project will help the project meet its deadlines.

Documenting a delay will help strengthen your case. Documentation should also include the impact of the delay on other tasks, labor costs, and efficiencies.


When you need a bit of extra help with your current build, look no further than Lyle Charles. Through his firm, you can get everything from his construction consulting services to help with turnaround services, consultations on matters that may be holding you back and much more.